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пособия по английскому языку
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Going for Gold: Intermediate Coursebook + Language Maximiser with Key
My Grammar Lab: Intermediate (B1/B2)
Diane Hall, Mark Foley
English Unlimited: Intermediate B1+ : Coursebook (+ DVD-ROM)
New Total English Intermediate: Student's Book + Workbook
JJ Wilson, Antonia Clare, Rachael Roberts
English in Mind 5: Student's Book + Workbook
Herbert Puchta, Stranks Jeff, Peter Lewis-Jones
Solutions (third edition) : Elementary : Student's Book + Workbook
Tim Falla, Paul Davies
Happy House 1 : Class Book + Activity book
Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced
Family and Friends: Starter: Class Book + Workbook
Naomi Simmons
Opportunities. Pre-Intermediate: Student's Book
Happy House 2. Class Book + Activity Book
Streamline English. Connections. Student's book + Workbook
Bernard Hartley, Peret Viney
Самоучитель английского языка
English Grammar Practice
Т. К. Цветкова
Prepare. A1. Student's Book
Top Grammar: From Basic to Upper-intermediate (+ 2 приложения и CD-ROM)
Way Ahead 3: Pupil's book + Workbook
Printha Ellis, Mary Bowen
Way Ahead 2: Pupil's book + Workbook
Printha Ellis, Mary Bowen
New Opportunities : Elementary: Students' Book + Test book + Language powerbook (+ Russian Mini-Dictionary)
Michael Harris, David Mower
New English File: Upper-intermediate. Student's Book + Workbook
C. Oxenden, C. Latham-Koenig
Grammarway 1
Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Round-Up 2. English Grammar Book. New and updated
Round-Up 5. English Grammar Book. New and updated
English in Mind 3: Student's Book + Workbook
Puchta Herbert, Stranks Jeff
Market Leader: Intermediate Business English: Course Book + Practice File
David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent
Solutions: Intermediate: Student's Book + Workbook
English for International Tourism. Intermediate: Student's Book + Workbook
Peter Strutt
Upstream Intermediate B2. Student's Book + Workbook
Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley